About reFurbished Mama Junk Journals

The reFurbished Mama Junk Journals are 100% handmade from upcycled and repurposed material such as old books and cookbooks, papers from magazines, brochures, patterned paper, wallpaper, music sheets, envelopes, packaging, brown paper bags, maps, greeting cards, postcards, cereal boxes, doilies, calendars plus a bunch of other stuff.

Creating a junk journal is like keeping a diary but with more graphics, memorabilia and keepsake items. It tells a story and it does not necessarily have to be a daily journal.  Junk journaling plays into a style of memory-keeping that intersects with the world of mixed media art, upcycling and collage to create a story. Your unique personal story.

You will find things tucked into the pockets of this junk journal to spark an idea or to get you started such as: to do list, would you rather questions, call list, coloring pages, poems, essential oil samples, old newspaper clippings, recipes, song lyrics and more.  

How to use your Junk Journal:

Add clippings, pictures, articles
Paint, draw, doodle, paste, tape, stamp
Use modge podge, glue sticks, glitter, stickers, markers, pencils
Make notes, dates, and plans
Write down your secrets and dreams
Write down or draw anything
Make your own pages from scraps that you collect

Grab a cup of tea and have fun!


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