Introduction To My Woodshop

My favorite textile to work with is hands down wood.  I love everything about it.  The smell of it, the patterns in the grain.  I love that you can rip apart a pallet and make something beautiful, or glue pieces together and lathe out a bowl.  

I grew up in my dad's woodshop.  He would give me a piece of 2 x 4 and a handful of nails and a hammer to practice.  He did this for his grandchildren too.  You would get to sweep up the sawdust, rub on the glue, sort out pieces of scrap wood for kindling, paint on a board.  It was a wonderland of earthy smells and textures, and the best part, you got to get messy.

This "I Love You" sign hangs in my kitchen. My kids made it years ago in grandpa's woodshop.  It's one of my greatest treasures.♥

Below are pictures of my woodshop/garage.  I think it probably looks a bit more organized today than what's in the photo.  It's my favorite room in the house. Future blogs will show more of my workspace.  I plan to make some "how-to" video's as part of my blog.

In the past, my handiwork has had more of a rustic, farmhouse feel to it.  It still does, I suppose, but I have gotten much better at the lettering and working freehand. 

I'm also better at planning a project.  Before I start, I have in mind what my finished product will look like, the color and size.  I then set up a sort of assembly line.  In the pictures below, I'm working with reclaimed fence boards.

After the boards are painted dry and sanded, they are a blank canvas ready to make a statement.

Below in the picture, is my granddaughter, Constance.  My nickname for her is "my boogaloo," to which you may hear me refer to her quite often in, My reFurbised life.

My Boogaloo, spends quality time with grandma (me) in my workshop, I know great grandpa would be proud. ♥



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